React Js Tutorials in Hindi | CodeWithHarry
A lesson on React Js Tutorials in Hindi related to - React Programming Language. Credit: CodeWithHarry, YouTube
- 1. Introduction to React Js + Installation | Complete React Course in Hindi #1
- 2. Creating our first react app using create-react-app | Complete React Course in Hindi #2
- 3. JavaScript Refresher | Complete React Course in Hindi #3
- 4. Understanding JSX | Complete React Course in Hindi #4
- 5. Project 1: Setup + Adding Bootstrap to React | Complete React Course in Hindi #5
- 6. Understanding Props and PropTypes in React | Complete React Course in Hindi #6
- 7. Understanding State & Handling Events in React | Complete React Course in Hindi #7
- 8. Adding more Logic to TextUtils | Complete React Course in Hindi #8
- 9. Exercise 1: Enhancing TextUtils | Complete React Course in Hindi #9
- 10. Creating "Enable Dark Mode" Button Using useState Hook | Complete React Course in Hindi #10
- 11. Exercise 1: Solutions + Shoutouts | Complete React Course in Hindi #11
- 12. Improving Dark Mode & Refactoring App Component | Complete React Course in Hindi #12
- 13. Adding + Auto Dismissing Alert Messages | Complete React Course in Hindi #13
- 14. Exercise 2: Adding Custom Color Theme to TextUtils | Complete React Course in Hindi #14
- 15. Changing title dynamically & adding favicons to TextUtils | Complete React Course in Hindi #15
- 16. React Router Setup + Usage | Complete React Course in Hindi #16
- 17. [Free] Building + Hosting React App For free on Github Pages | Complete React Course in Hindi #17
- 18. Purchasing a Domain + Hosting TextUtils on a VPS | Complete React Course in Hindi #18
- 19. Fixing Issues & Wrapping up TextUtils | Complete React Course in Hindi #19
- 20. Exercise 2: Solutions + Shoutouts | Complete React Course in Hindi #20
- 21. Fixing few more Textutils Issues | Complete React Course in Hindi #21
- 22. Project 2 Setup + Introduction to Class based components | Complete React Course in Hindi #22
- 23. Component Structure of our NewsMonkey React App | Complete React Course in Hindi #23
- 24. Fetching API Key from News API | Complete React Course in Hindi #24
- 25. Understanding state in class based components | Complete React Course in Hindi #25
- 26. Looping through an array in JSX to display NewsItems from state | Complete React Course in Hindi #26
- 27. Using Fetch API in React to populate NewsItems | Complete React Course in Hindi #27
- 28. Adding Previous & Next Buttons to populate NewsItems | Complete React Course in Hindi #28
- 29. Adding loading spinner & variable pageSize to NewsMonkey | Complete React Course in Hindi #29
- 30. Adding Categories & propTypes to NewsMonkey React App | Complete React Course in Hindi #30
- 31. Fetching News category wise in NewsMonkey React App | Complete React Course in Hindi #31
- 32. Adding time, author and news source to News React App | Complete React Course in Hindi #32
- 33. Refactoring News component to use the same function | Complete React Course in Hindi #33
- 34. React Component Lifecycle & Lifecycle methods | Complete React Course in Hindi #34
- 35. Adding Infinite Scroll to NewsMonkey | Complete React Course in Hindi #35
- 36. Adding a top loading bar to NewsMonkey | Complete React Course in Hindi #36
- 37. Hiding API Key by Adding Custom Environment Variables | Complete React Course in Hindi #37
- 38. Introduction to React Hooks | Complete React Course in Hindi #38
- 39. Changing Class based NewsMonkey components to Functional based | Complete React Course in Hindi #39
- 40. Sticky Navbar & NewsMonkey bug fixes | Complete React Course in Hindi #40
- 41. Introduction to MERN stack | Complete React Course in Hindi #41
- 42. Project 3: iNotebook backend and React frontend setup | Complete React Course in Hindi #42
- 43. iNotebook db & Express Server Setup | Complete React Course in Hindi #43
- 44. Creating Routes & Schema for Storing Notes & Users | Complete React Course in Hindi #44
- 45. Storing Data into the Database Using Mongoose Model | Complete React Course in Hindi #45
- 46. Adding Data Validation Using express-validator | Complete React Course in Hindi #46
- 47. Creating ThunderClient Collections to Manage Requests | Complete React Course in Hindi #47
- 48. Understanding Password Hashing, Salt & Pepper | Complete React Course in Hindi #48
- 49. Hashing Passwords using bcryptjs in NodeJs | Complete React Course in Hindi #49
- 50. Creating Login Endpoint & sending auth token| Complete React Course in Hindi #50